Established 2008
Holiday Giving at Community Reach of Montgomery County provides meals, gifts, and gift cards to those in need during the holiday season. We serve the community as a member of the Montgomery County Holiday Giving Project. For the Thanksgiving holiday, we serve all families outside City of Rockville limits in five Rockville zip codes. We serve one zip code outside the City of Rockville limits and pick up additional uncovered families as our donations allow for the December holidays.

Montgomery County residents can be referred by the counselors in the schools your children attend. In addition, most county nonprofit organizations are able to refer their clients. If you need assistance to celebrate the Thanksgiving or December holidays, please contact the organizations who currently serve your other needs, or call the Montgomery County information line, #311. If you are a client of one of Reach's areas of service, please call your contact there. All assistance for this program comes from items and funds donated from the community.
The deadline for being added for Thanksgiving assistance is usually during the third week of October.
The December holiday assistance deadline is usually the Thursday before Thanksgiving.
Montgomery County will add any residents who are referred after the deadline dates to a late referral list and will attempt to serve those families as well if space and support allows.
Provide Time
Volunteers help us contact the families referred to us to make sure they have received information about how we will be distributing donations and that we have the correct information about them. They contact supporters to confirm their level of commitment, and they organize and record donations. Many volunteers are needed for the dates when we distribute to our clients - usually the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and the Thursday and Saturday before the Christmas holiday. Please find information about volunteer opportunities by using the "Volunteer" button below.
This program offers lots of room for group volunteer opportunities.
Provide Funds​
Our Holiday Giving program is part of the Community Reach of Montgomery County (Reach) non-profit organization. Reach is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service, under tax ID #52-0910334. Donations made through the Donate button below, or checks sent to Reach with "Holiday Giving" written in the memo section, will go directly to supporting the Holiday Giving program. We are grateful for any level of support.
Provide Goods
Donations of Thanksgiving and December Holiday food baskets, grocery gift cards, toys for children, and gift cards for teens are greatly appreciated. Thanksgiving and December Holiday basket, toy, and gift certificate suggestions are here. Please contact the Reach office at 301-637-0730 or Info@CMRocks.org to arrange to drop off your donations, or to discuss a pick-up for very large donations.
We are grateful for all levels of support.​